Gretchen Seigworth
- Jul 25, 2016
Farm to School at Burley Berries
Thanks to all who came out for our second strawberry season. We had a great year and are already looking forward to next. We wanted to...
Megan Burley
- Aug 19, 2015
Summer at Burley Berries
Wow what a great picking season we had! Thanks to all who came out and picked in June and July. For our first year. We were very...
Megan Burley
- May 6, 2015
Soil Acidity Does it Matter?
Often times a farmer will say I have "sour soil" or I need to raise the pH of my soil. What does this mean and how is it measured and...
Megan Burley
- Apr 23, 2015
Spring at Burley Berries
As I sit at our kitchen table on the 23rd of April, it is snowing outside and I'm wondering if we will ever actually have a spring. ...